The Cooper Union Bylaws Article III   

     The Board of Trustees shall elect at the annual meeting or, in default of election at such meeting, then at any adjournment thereof, a Chair of the Board, a President, one (1) or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Board of Trustees may elect at any meeting a Vice Chair, a Provost, an Assistant Secretary, an Assistant Treasurer and such other officers of the Corporation as the Board may deem necessary or advisable. These officers shall serve until the next annual meeting and until their successors are elected and have qualified. The Board shall have the power at any time to create additional offices and to elect additional officers and to set the compensation, if any, of such elected officers. Any vacancy in any of the said offices resulting from any cause whatsoever may be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the Board at any meeting of the Board.    
      The Chair of the Board shall be the chief policy officer of the Corporation and shall enunciate and interpret the polices determined by the Board. He or she shall appoint the members of all committees of the Corporation created pursuant to Section 2.07 of these Bylaws. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Board at which he or she shall be present. He or she shall be given notice of and shall have the right to attend and vote at all committee meetings, but unless he or she has been designated as a regular member of a committee he or she shall be under no obligation to attend its meetings and shall not be counted to determine the number necessary to make a quorum or to determine whether or not a quorum is present.
      In the absence or inability to act of the Chair of the Board, a Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees may exercise any of the powers and shall perform the duties of the Chair. He or she shall also have such other powers and perform such other duties, not inconsistent with these Bylaws, as may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Trustees or the Chair.    
      The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation and shall have general charge of the business and affairs of the Corporation. The President shall be given notice of and shall have the right to attend all Board meetings. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Board in the absence of the Chair and the Vice Chair. At the regular meeting preceding the beginning of each fiscal year, he or she shall present the budget for the following fiscal year. The President shall have authority to sign for the Corporation all deeds and other agreements and formal instruments. The President shall have the authority (i) to employ and discharge employees and agents of the Corporation, except such as may be appointed by the Board, and (ii) to prescribe the powers and duties incident to such positions, and may delegate such authority. He or she shall be given notice of and shall have the right to attend and vote at all Committee meetings, but unless he or she has been designated as a regular member of a Committee, he or she shall be under no obligation to attend and shall not be counted to determine the number necessary to make a quorum or to determine whether or not a quorum is present.
      Each Vice President shall exercise such powers and perform such duties, not inconsistent with these Bylaws, as the Board of Trustees or the President may prescribe from time to time. In the absence or inability to act of the President, the Board shall designate the Vice President or Vice Presidents who shall exercise any powers and perform any duties have not been already delegated by the President.    
      In addition to such powers and duties, not inconsistent with these Bylaws, as the Board of Trustees or the President may prescribe from time to time, the Vice President for Business Affairs shall have charge of the maintenance and care of all the properties of the corporation and all papers and documents relating to such properties. He or she shall be responsible for the accounting and other business affairs of the Corporation.    
      The Secretary shall be the custodian of the seal of the Corporation. He or she shall affix such seal to all instruments when directed to do so by the Board of Trustees. He or she shall attend all meetings of the Board and keep a permanent record of the minutes and proceedings of such meetings and shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with these Bylaws. In addition, he or she shall have such other powers and perform such other duties, not inconsistent with these Bylaws, as may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Trustees.    
      Under the direction of the Investment Committee, the Treasurer shall be responsible for the management of all the investments of the Corporation. He or she shall report on the investment portfolio and the financial status of the Corporation to the Board of Trustees at each regular meeting thereof. In addition, he or she shall have all such powers and duties as may be assigned to him or her by the President or by the Board of Trustees.    
      The Provost shall be the chief academic officer of the Corporation and shall exercise general supervisory powers over the academic affairs of the Corporation and over its academic officers, subject, however, to the control of the President and the Board of Trustees. He or she shall be given notice of and shall have the right to attend all Board meetings. He or she shall have such other powers and perform such other duties, not inconsistent with these Bylaws, as may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Trustees or the President.    
      In the absence or inability of the Secretary to act, the Assistant Secretary may exercise any of the powers and shall perform the duties of the Secretary. He or she shall also have such other powers and perform such duties not inconsistent with these Bylaws, as may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Trustees or the Secretary.    
      In the absence or inability of the Treasurer to act, the Assistant Treasurer may exercise any of the powers and shall perform the duties of the Treasurer. He or she shall also have such other powers and perform such duties, not inconsistent with these Bylaws, as may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Trustees or the Treasurer.    
      All officers elected by the Board of Trustees shall be subject to removal at any time with or without cause, by the Board at any meeting thereof, provided that the notice of such Board meeting shall set forth the proposed action. In case of the absence of any officer, or for any other reason that may seem sufficient to the Board of Trustees, the Board may. without removal, delegate the powers and duties of such office to any other officer for such period as may be deemed proper.    
      Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President or Secretary.    
article III
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