and Authorization Statement |
Union Archives
Mission and Authorization Statement
Cooper Archives of the Cooper Union Library exists to identify,
preserve and make available historically significant materials that reflect
the institution's origins and development, and the achievements of its
officers, staff, faculty, students and alumni. Its mission is twofold:
- The
College Archives: to collect, preserve, organize, describe and make
accessible records of enduring value created or received by the administrative
and academic offices of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science
and Art (The Cooper Union).
- Special
Collections: to collect and maintain non-university records and papers
related to the history, surroundings, and academic mission of The
Cooper Union, including material relating to its founders and supporters,
particularly the Cooper and Hewitt families.
the need for a formal statement of policy,
The Cooper Union hereby adopts the following measures to ensure the
preservation and availability of official college records and related
Any records generated or received by the administrative and academic offices
of The Cooper Union in the conduct of business -- regardless of the form
in which they are created and maintained -- are the property of The Cooper
Union. |
The Cooper Archives of the Cooper Union Library is authorized to identify
and collect inactive records from the academic and administrative
offices of The Cooper Union. In cooperation with the head of each office,
the Director of the Library and the Cooper Archives Librarian shall be
responsible for identifying records which may have permanent value to
the institution, and shall arrange for their systematic transfer to the
Archives or to an appropriate storage facility. |
The President of the College, after consultation with the head of the
records' office of origin and the Director of the Library, has final authority
for determining the ultimate disposition of records created or received
by The Cooper Union. |
The Cooper Archives Librarian shall consult with the head of the records'
office of origin to determine whether any restrictions on use should be
applied to particular collections of archival records. Unrestricted records
will be made available equally to staff, students, faculty, alumni, and
outside researchers. |
Notwithstanding the above, admissions files and records - current and
historical - which are subject to federal and state legal guidelines,
shall be maintained by the Registrar's and Academic Records Offices. |
Additional statements may be written to explain archival policies in more
detail. |
by the Library Committee of The Cooper Union: April 22, 2003 |
by the Academic Council of The Cooper Union: December 8, 2004 |